Welcome to Botta & Vámosi-Nagy
Our law firm was founded by dr. Botta Mária and dr. Vámosi-Nagy Zsolt in 2005 and was expanded in 2017 with the joining of dr. Takács Veronika. From the very beginning our major fields of specialization have been tax law and commercial law, besides these we practice public procurement law and economic law as a matter of course.
Our principal goal is to provide the highest quality legal service and the best total solution to our Client’s legal needs.

dr. Botta Mária
co-founder, attorney at law, trade expertdr. Botta Mária
Phone: +36 1 248 2080Fax: +36 1 248 2089
E-mail: drbotta@inlaw.hu
Languages: German, English
Obtained Bachelor’s degree awarded by Eötvös Loránd University at the Faculty of Law in 1976.

dr. Vámosi-Nagy Zsolt
co-founder, attorney at law, tax expertdr. Vámosi-Nagy Zsolt
Phone: +36 1 248 2080Fax: +36 1 248 2089
E-mail: drvamosi@inlaw.hu
Languages: English
Obtained Bachelor’s degree awarded by University of Szeged at the Faculty of Law in 2000 and has been awarded by Eötvös Loránd University the professional qualification of Lawyer specialized in Tax Law in 2011.

dr. Takács Veronika
attorney at law, tax adviser, partnerdr. Takács Veronika
Phone: +36 1 248 2080
Fax: +36 1 248 2089
E-mail: drtakacs@inlaw.hu
Languages: English
Obtained Bachelor’s degree awarded by Eötvös Loránd University at the Faculty of Law in 2012.

dr. Tarcsa Emese
attorney at lawdr. Tarcsa Emese
Phone: +36 1 248 2080
Fax: +36 1 248 2089
E-mail: drtarcsa@inlaw.hu
Languages: English
Obtained Bachelor’s degree awarded by Pázmány Péter Catholic University at the Faculty of Law in 2012.

Bajnóczi Zsófia
office managerBajnóczi Zsófia
Phone: +36 1 248 2080
Fax: +36 1 248 2089
E-mail: bajnoczi@inlaw.hu
Languages: English

Ördög Timea
internÖrdög Timea
Phone: +36 1 248 2080
Fax: +36 1 248 2089
E-mail: ordog@inlaw.hu

dr. Girgás Rita
attorney at lawdr. Girgás Rita
Phone: +36 1 248 2080
Fax: +36 1 248 2089
E-mail: drgirgas@inlaw.hu
Languages: English
Obtained Bachelor’s degree awarded by Eötvös Loránd University at the Faculty of Law in 2009.

dr. Horváth Szabina
attorney at lawdr. Horváth Szabina
Phone: +36 1 248 2080
Fax: +36 1 248 2089
E-mail: drhorvath@inlaw.hu
Languages: German
Obtained Bachelor’s degree awarded by Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church at the Faculty of Law in 2005.

dr. Burai Flóra
attorney at lawdr. Burai Flóra
Phone: +36 1 248 2080
Fax: +36 1 248 2089
E-mail: drburai@inlaw.hu
Languages: English, German
Obtained Bachelor’s degree awarded by University of Debrecen at the Faculty of Law in 2013.
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According to the regulation of the Hungarian Bar Association we cannot name our Clients on our website nor we can talk about our particular cases in regard to duty of confidentiality, but it can be said without mentioning names that many medium-sized enterprises and large firms who have significant roles in the market trust us whom we represent in all areas of business law as a general proxy.
We are also happy to represent our Clients in court and authorities case by case.